Economic Justice = Equality, Equity and Democracy |
What we care about
Economic justice; a living wage for every worker; support for organized labor; justice in banking and lending; high quality, well-funded, diverse public schools; affordable health care and health insurance for all, especially women; environmental justice and green jobs; affordable housing for every person; abolishing the death penalty and mandatory sentencing; expanded services for released prisoners; comprehensive immigration reform to provide immigrants with health care, education, and workers rights; insuring everyone the right to vote; enhancing LGBT rights; keeping America's young men and women out of wars on foreign soil; and more.
The Economic Justice Action Group functions largely as a support group for EJAG members with specific activist aims under the broader umbrella of Economic Justice. EJAG is the official relational conduit to the First Unitarian Church of Portland and within its core members and extended members is a wealth of wise and long standing pillars of First Church.
Because EJAG’s mission is carried out by its members, we are ever changing and adjusting to our economic times. Who we work with Our current areas of focus include the following subgroups:
Each of these subgroups meet regularly and some of them have strong affiliations or working relationships with other organizations as noted above . We invite you to explore the work of EJAG and dive in to the work that most aligns with your passions. UUA Statement of Conscience - 2019